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Welcome to SafeSide! If you've been thinking about dropping in to use our Range but not sure what it's going to be like, our Guided Range Experience was designed with you in mind! Our dedicated Range Concierge will assist you with all of the aspects of getting started, such as:

  • Waiver Completion
  • Check-in/Lane assignment
  • Choose the right Rentals (if needed)
  • Setting you up with eye/ear protection
  • Making target recommendations
  • Guiding you to your assigned lane
  • Going over the firearm(s) you have chosen
  • Loading your first magazine/showing you how
  • Making sure you're comfortable with your first shots

We see over 1000 new range customers every month, and many have requested a "stepping stone" between using the range for the first time and a full-blown private instruction class.  Offered most weeks on Mondays, Saturdays, and Sundays - our Guided Range Experience will take out the guesswork during your first visit (or first visit in a while).  Please note, all normal range fees apply, registering for this course allows our Range Concierge to spend the dedicated time needed from your first steps to your first shots!

Check out our class video:

Already done this class? Got questions? Let us know!
Make sure you've done a waiver! Click here to complete now!

In-store Price: $25 Web-only Price: $10
The class is being offered at the following Date/Time: